Monday, June 27, 2016


When you hit a platform,  it is flat all the way. People working around you is on the move and you have to deal with the incoming new fella.  Start all over again to guide, training and nurture.  How many times, can we repeat this act.  Somehow , it become very boring and meaningless.

Can I move on ? To what ? I am asking myself.. What to do with your ample time if you stop what you are doing . Waiting to die ? To start something new. Yeah , search for my passions  and go into a layback stage. If I carry on , how long , I can bear with it. Each year, my body consume more energy and power to do the same job.  I have to be aware and alert about this point.

Now is the time to nurture the young ones to take over.  Why my big ego ?  I should be wise about this matter. A good leader is without big titles and must have the humility.  Don't try to take over other people's merit and let everyone shine through by themselves.   No need to struggle to shine and it would be good to let the next generation to take over while we wither and fade away like a good soldier.

In the heart, it is not the ego, the title or the money, but the fear of what to do next.  Should just flow the flow of nature and let things the way it come as pre-destined. Why fight the path or the way of the path, just flow with it and let nature take over.  When it come, it will come with a reason. Just accept it and let go.

Yes, I have been convincing myself that I take what it comes and I am ready for it.  I can just move aside and let whatever takes over naturally.  This is the kind of staleness , I talking about.  I have hit a plateau and everything looks repetitious and stale.


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