Sunday, July 17, 2016

It is raining

Well, what is so exciting about raining ? It is already the start of the raining season now. There must be something wrong about me. Well, I have not seen rain for many months from the start of this year where the El Lino bring heat wave and hotness all around us. THe heat have been very damaging and harmful to all of us as well as the environment. The seeing of rain is a delighted change although it is messy to our life. The sight of rain and the feeling of rain can have a calming effect ou us and it seem to wash away all of past and also our unhappiness if we choose to feel this way. It cleanse the environment let us start all over again. If we believe it ,accept it and it will also change us. Like the cycle of brith, aged, sickness and death , the climate changed also is in the nature. For the change of each season in the world , it goes with time. A certain period of time have passed on the change of each season. It is whether it is summer , autumn , winter or spring or normal, hot, hotter or hottest , it reflects a passing in time. Each individual have been allocated a certain number of times in our life and we have to passed on. It is just like raining, it starts with a drizzle , light rain fall, heavier rain fall and raining dogs and cats and it suddenly stopped. It is also a small passing in time. With certain changes and passing of time, we should enjoy each moment and learn to dance n the rain and make most of it. It is wise and not just to stand and watch while the time flies away. It is your choice and your own doing and you have to bear the consequences. Namaste.

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