Saturday, November 6, 2010

The third eye

There are several ways of meditation. One way is to concentrate on the breath , another way is on a tiny spot of light or focus on the candle flame and many others. One peculiar way is to concentrate on the third eye. This sounds mystic but alot of religion believes that apart from the two eyes we have having, there is a third eye  and it lies between the two eyes and slightly higher on the forehead.

My early encounter with the third eye was 40 years ago as I stumble on a book written by Lopsang Rampa, an English Tibetian Monk . In the book, he talks about the opening of the third eye or the wisdom eye.  When close our both eyes, there is focus point in the darkness and our inner sight will move to the center point in our forehead and when look into the darkness, we try to see with the third eye.

For the Hindus, they marked the spot with a dot of red  to indicate the location of the third eye and in Buddhism, we acknowledge its existence. In Chinese folklore, one of the warrior deity is a three eyed general called " Yong Ching". There are many books on this subject and some of it could be way above our understanding.

In Lopsang Ramba's third eye, he talks about what the third eye can do. It facilitates our vision into a different dimension and existence of sights and sounds which our normal two eyes cannot see. It is not the underworld spirit which some people claims that they can see with their normal eyes. These are colors, images, past great spiritual masters, etc. We have to refrain from going deeper into the matter unless you are ready to accept and manage the outcome of pursuing the subject.  A little knowledge is good for us.

In deep meditation, some Yogis can see with their third eye and  communicate in the dimension and to attain wisdom and knowledge. In a more advance step, they can travel out of their body and wonder around in the present dimension or in other dimensions. Like I have said in one of my past article, we live in our own universe but there are may universe existing at the same time.

Our mind is very powerful at the time of our birth and if it is nurtured properly, it has limitless power. Unfortunately, through the education system and the influence of other people's knowledge in our establishment, such power have been curtailed and suppress. One example is that when a baby is born, it has a natural swimming skill or walk or talk. They learn very fast and the initial exposure to knowledge and feelings will mould them into what they are.  This applies to wisdom of their third eye.

It maybe a bit too much for some of my readers, it is like " one flew over the Cuckoo's nest " into madness.  There is a fine line between intelligence and madness and once, we tip over intelligence, we are in madness. Please keep your somberness and your awareness of the real world when you fiddle with this subject and keep a healthy mind.


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