Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Have you seen a ghost ?

I was coming out of the male toilet and my staff, Jolly almost bump into me as she was walking very fast.  I make a funny facial gesture at her and she asked me " Did you see a ghost ?". I assured her there is no ghost but only I am afraid that she will clash into me as our path cross each other.

Talking about ghost, I  had a lunch with my tax consultant at a Tea House along Hutton Lane at noon time and this restaurant is housed in an old pre-war terrace house. I have been there a few times and each time and I have a feeling that there are a few old restless souls still in the house. It is a cosy place and quite nicely done. It is not scary except that it has an old ambiance and antique furniture and fittings.  Standing among these old furniture is a figurine of an old Chinese deity called " Chung Kwei" .

Chung Kwei,  in the Chinese folklore is a traditional Chinese herbal doctor and later, he learn the art of a ghost catcher.  Gradually, he became famous in catching ghost and helping them to rest in peace and return to the  realm of re-birth. Due to his good deeds, he gained sainthood and was regarded as one of the deity in the Taoist religion.

I have seen an actual case as one of  my god-niece happen to have this art of seeing these beings in the third dimension. When she is depressed, she is able to see these " things" and she will be drawn into a trance.  When she is in that stage, she will be talking senselessly  and behave very weirdly.  She can have enormous strength and even four grown man could not hold her down when she gets violent. Once, we sent her to a temple to be treated by a Taoist priest but even the priest could not control her.  Now, she is in Japan with her family and even in Japan, she is still disturbed by Japanese  ghost.  She gets better when she is taking western medicine for psychotic behaviour.

Is this illusion or a real experience in another demension or has she gone crazy ? This is every body's guess. Whatever, what is real is not real and what is illusion can be real.  Real or fake or fake or real, everything is only in a motion of suspension.


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