Thursday, November 18, 2010

Luck or hard work?

How much of luck and how much of hard work do we need to be successful in life? This is a very difficult question. Some people believe that the more luck we have , the less work we will need to put in. Is this so simple. There is this Hokkien song " Ai piah kar ae nyah" which means we need to put in more hard work before we can win.  The lyrics also mentioned that we  need 70% hard work and 30% luck to win.  This percentage seems to be more reasonable.

When we say we need luck? There is no assurance but only hoping that it is there for us or given by our creator or whoever rules our life. It can be pre-destined or set forth in advance when we come out from our mother's womb. Some people go to the extent of praying to deities, God or even seek fortune tellers to adjust our fung shui to increase the percentage of luck coming our way.  In Hong Kong, there is this Wong Tai Sin Temple which specialized in giving out hope and luck  to their believers. If you believe the deity, you will get the luck. This is the slogan coming out of  most people's mouth. Again, this is anybody's guess and it could be a myth or make beliefs.

The hard work part is more important because it depends on one self for their own success  This is more tangible or real but again ,some people work very hard but yet they are not successful. They do not meet the right people or have guardian angels and gets no where in their career or business and in life. Again, some people are born lucky or born with a silver spoon in their mouth and do not need to work at all in their whole life or are born in high places.  So, we  definitely  do need the luck as well.

It is a must that  luck and hard works needs to work together.  lets focus our self in doing the  hard work and hope that the luck factor will work in our favors.  This is a more practical approach to life and not the other way.


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