Friday, November 26, 2010

Life is a big circle (1)

Have you ever plot your daily activities over a period of time ? If you have done it, you will notice that there is a certain pattern  ie. like small circles making up one big circle. That is your life, making up daily routines.  Some people call this a box. Once a while you may want to break out of the circle and do something special but yet you will return to the circle.  This is habitual.

Have you ever ask the reason why ? Why are we doing the same thing over and over again ? Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, work , lunch, take afternoon nap , have dinner , watch TV and then sleep.  The next day , the same routine is repeated.  Why are we not bored of this routine ? Is it so difficult to break away from the pattern.

If we think read alot or think deeply, we will realized that human being is an habitual animal. We are confortable with routines because anything out of the routine is uncertain and unpredictable.  Basically, people hate changes and hope to live and think within their comfort zone.  We wear the same brand, like the same colour, the same design, the same smell and like the same food.  This routine became more and more embedded in our life as we grow older and older.

There was a story of this man who like in New York City.  He works in a big office as a proof reader . His company employ thousands of staff  and each person have their own assignments and task. His person work for many years and because of his character and work, he do not mix much or talk much. Each morning, he will ride the train to work and will be back in the evening.  His routine have not change for many years. One day, he die in his sleep and after one month, his co-workers did not  notice that he has not been coming to work. His office has a system is that if one employee do not handle the job within the same day , the work will be routed to another staff to handle.  Only after one month, his section manager notice his absence from work and they went to his apartment to look for him and they only  realized that he has been dead for more than one month.

This incident  could happen to any one or even you.  From now, you need to break your routine to know more people and socialize more so that you have some caring friends who will notice your absence in this world.  Take care , folks. It is TGF again.


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