Sunday, September 26, 2010

Test of my dharma

Good day to all of you. Today I experienced a real test of my dharma. I was going to the market for breakfast and when I reach there,I saw a vacant space by the road side. So I move my car forward to reverse in but in come another car from behind as he squezze in from behind and just left the car in an akward position and out come an old msn and his wife and they just lock their car and walk off. I was shocked and upset. It is so unbelievable. I could remain angry for the rest of the day or I move on with my happy mood. In  the dharma, we are taught that if we get angry , it is only hurting ourself over the imperfection of others. The person want to irritate me and if I am angry and remain upset, then he win and succeed to upset me. I chose to move on and I found a better and proper place to park. I realize the wonderful working of the dharma. Loving kindness to all.

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