Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let's live , let's die.

When we live,we should live to the fullest and when the end comes we should let go if the time comes. We should follow nature's way. The leaves will grow and when it is dry , it just fall off if their time is up. Sometimes, a storm will come and some weaker leaves will fall prematurely. This is nature's natural evolution.Like the leaves,human beings will die when they gets old and some fall sick and die. This is also natural.

When a child is born, they cry at birth because of their coming sufferings on this earth and when they die cry the last time because they cannot let go of their earthly possessions. This is really an irony. Nevertheless, nobody can escape the circle of life. Some circle can be small and some can be big. Nobody would know.so, the message is to live to the fullest when you are alive.

If there is a sudden death, then nothing came be done. If we are terminally ill, then there comes a point to decide to go. The people besides us are not the best decision makers because they are emotional. It is the terminal being who is sick will know better. So, when is the time to let go? This is subjectivem and the choice should be left to the patient if he is still Conscious. Otherwise, he must leave his or her words to his love ones when to pull the plugs when the sufferings is too much to bear.

Life is a journey , not a destination.


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