Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gen Y & X - their mindset

Recenty, we read of two young men committed suicide due to rejections.  I believe this is a wake up call for many parents.  One of them was a medical student and another guy was moving to pre-U.  Their upbringing was all the reason for their fragile decision to take their own life.

The father of the dead medical student said that money cannot buy everything. I was also bee n told that the student have tried to take his life before when he was much younger. I do not know whether it is true for not but it does not matter here. My message is that the Gen Y and X youngsters are unable to take rejections.

I have experience working with these two generations and I find that their very temperamental and fragile in their character.  In the past, if we catch a cold , we take a panadol and go to work but for these generations, they will apply for sick leave or take very chance to rest and do something else.

I have experience working with youngsters in these two generations and I feel that they are very pampered and very temperamental.  In my time, when we are sick or catch a cold, we take one panadol and go to work but for these youngsters , they will apply for medical leave and go home to rest.  The most favorable date for their sick leaves is on Monday.  The monday blues really brings them down hard. Another point is that they take scolding very hard and show off their rebellious attitude when they are scolded. Sometimes, they will submit their resignation letter after been scolded and this shows their fragile emotional stage.

I read an article in the newspaper that in Malaysia , one person in six is a millionnaire and of course, their off-springs will be well provided and they do not worry about money.  I have seen my old staff drive a 6 to 7 years old vehicle ot work but my new young recruits drive a new Camry or  Audi to work.  It is so ironical how the generation have changed.  Some people usded the term " born with a silver spoon in their mouth" . During my time, there was only a few such fortunate souls but now , it is very common,  Like some people say , if we throw a stone in a crowd , it will hit a Dato . Now , it should be that if you trhow a stone , you will hit a millionnaire's son or daughter.  It is very common to be a millionnaire now.

My impression of this change is that our expectation and understanding have to change so that we should not have a generation gap. We should bring ourself down to their level of understanding or their expectation which we have partially create. If we do not change, then change will change us. We will be left behind and live in a dilemma and creating a world which these  youngsters cannot understand and live in.

In the past , our parents expect us to be doctors, accountants, lawyers and bankers, etc . Now , we should leave the choice to them, otherwise, we only put pressure on them and will result in an unhappy ending like suicide. Anything is good for them, if they have the passion as earning a living is not an issue anymore. Their priority have switch and they don't mind doing nothing but pursuing their interest.

People in our generation should change our mind-set and mingle into their world and be part of them. We should not keep to our thrifty habit and sacrifice for our decendants but also tbe fair to ourselves and live our life doing what we like. There is  a saying " when people are born, the heavenly GOD will take of them".


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