Thursday, June 21, 2012

Everything depends on our mind

Something irritates me at work and the issue keeps floating up in my mind.  I was going to take action and to make things right. My mind pushed me and the matter irritates me more and more.  I must do nothing. Otherwise, the things are do will be wrong.

Suddenly, I remembered that I should not focus on it. By focusing on it,  my mind gives it more power to control my thinking.  I took out my handphone and sent a SMS to my daughter, May. We text some jokes and I found that the issue is getting less urgent to reply. The thought is slipping away and lost the control over me. I gave a relief and i dwell on this lesson and realized that we can actually control our mind and decide what to focus.

It is amazing that after reading and knowing how the mind work, it can still control me briefly and I was all worked out. By doing something to distract myself from this topic , I felt stronger and I know now  I am controlling my mind.

I want you all to try this exercise to shift your focus on subject which will make you happy or relax. Yes, our monkey mind will keep pulling you to the topic and confused you. But, train yourself to fight it and focus it on the things which makes you peaceful and strengthen your awareness of this monkey mind.  A few times, you will realized that the monkey mind is losing its strength and power over you. You are now in control.

When your mind shift from one thing to another, you must be aware of the shift and how happy or peaceful you are. Let the trouble and bad things which troubled you  weaken and finally kick it out of you mind.  By simply denying it . Don't give it time and attention.  Use your time for some better things. Tell yourself that.

Be yourself, trust yourself  and be in control yourself.


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