Saturday, June 9, 2012

Don't stop breathing whatever happens .

On a Sunday morning and I have my Tai chi session,  I realized the importance of believeing. It is not that  I do not know this subject as I have written a few article on this issue. Each time, I practice the art of Tai Chi, I re-inforced my understanding and awareness. This art help us to sthe low our breath and by slowing down the breath , the absoprtion of oxygen by our lungs is much mo ore and the blood sent the oxygen to all our vital organs including our brain.  The brain became more alert and slows down the breathing to get more benefits from each breath.

There is nothing scientific about it but a very logicial process. The more we practice Tai Chi or Qugong or any art of breathing like meditation, it helps to maximize oxygen to our body and our branin. It not only stir up our awareness but also execise our hands and joints.  If our body becomes more relax, it helps in the absorption of oxygen and it brings wellness to our general health.

When do these exercise of breathing, the quality of the air is very important.  The chi or energy must be fresh and pure.  I have read of article that if we breath in carbon monoxide,  it will lead to the poisoning of our mind.  it  will then lead to hallucination and we can see "ghost" which an illusion of the mind. I am not saying that "ghost " does not exit, the carbon monoxide poisoning will give this a bad feeling and this will deteriorate your health. Makes you edgy, headaches, cold and illusional.  So, we have check our surrounding before we do such breathing exercise.

We should not do the breathing exercise near to a toilet , a drain or a rubbish dump,etc.  All these places have bad chi or energy, A simple explanation here is Oxygen is Chi.  The more oxygen you breath in , the more energy you have unless certain part of  your vital organs is defective. When a person is breathless, the medical personnel give them oxygen to keep them a live. So, Oxygen is an important ingredient for survival and active life style.

However, you may argue that aerobic exercise, running  and iron pumping is also good to increase oxygen to the vital organ and the muscles.  Yes, you are not wrong. Any exercise is good for our body and our vital organs.  It is a matter whether the exercise is appropriate for you or not depending on  your body condition.  Some exercise if we do it for a long time and as body ages, it has a negative re-action and it will hurts our body more if we continue with the exercise.  You may have heard that hkers and marathon runners suffers from knee joint pains and slip disc. So, selective an appropriate exercise for our health is very important.

Like I say earlier on, any exercise is good. So , stand up and move your butts , ok ? Have a wonderful sunday and everyday good health to all of you.


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