Saturday, March 31, 2012

If you believe , truth is not necessary

The full philosophy is "If you believe, truth is not necessary but if you don't believe, truth is not enough". This another insight I receive from watching the TV series, "the criminal mind". If you look at the philosophy deelply, you will understand the basic nature of the human mind and behaviour.

This philosophy also illustrate the wide spread belief in supernatural, fung shui, bomoh mind reading or palm reading,etc. Because of this nature, some people can be very superstitious and do not want to understand logic. Just like my article on Ching Ming, the Chinese all souls' day. We give offering of real food to our ancestals and invite them to "eat" first and we eat the real food afterwards. It defies logic and common sense but we keep this custom alive without thinking rationally.

I have also told you that during CNY, Chinese New Year, I was praying with burning joss sticks to the "Goddes of Mercy" and this foreigner told photograph of the people praying and looking amazed and in disbelief. At the temple after we plant the joss sticks into the urns, the caretaker will quickly take out some times within minutes and perhaps, he can re-cycle more later and re-sale and raise funds for the temple. I find it illogical but I have been doing it for years. The belief is that the joss sticks is served to feed the "Gods".

Now, we are in the 21st century yet we still kept this mentality and live in a confused state of mind. However, the belief in our mind can do marvellous and have incredible power. If we believe that we are creativethen we are creative. If we believe we can break the 9 seconds mark in the 100 metre, you can do it if you focus and believe you have the skill. People like Usain Bolt thinks that he can do it and he is moving towards it. Such happenings help to keep this belief alive.

There are many unexplanable things that happen because of the mind and also our strong belief. It works for different people. For some people, they believe that there is ghost but for others, it is all in our mind and no such dimension exist in this world.

Lets drift in this uncertainty and let our wisdom and experience drive us to where we are but at the same time be aware of the Mind.


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