Thursday, October 7, 2010

Open your heart and touch someone's heart each day

Folks. One of my Yoga teacher taught us " mystic yoga" about one year ago and in during his class he will ask us to open our chraka and our heart to receive the universal power from above.  He will put on a CD with a light music back ground  and will repeat his chanting " open your heart , open your heart to receive the cosmic power while we are sitting in a lotus position with our right hand placing against our heart. At the end of the session, he will ask us whether we can feel the power coming down through our chrakas  and into our body. Most of the time, I could feel nothing except the peace and serene feeling as we sat focus on our breath but at times, we could feel re-energize and connected to some source. However, nothing for sure what it is but it is definitely good for the heart as we de-stress and go into a meditative mood.

Frankly, we have to open our heart and mind, not receive mystic powers but to see things more clearly and to be more aware of our surroundings. We should feel the inter-connectedness between our fellow humans and our environment and not only that but also to the whole universe.  We should feel the pains of our fellow human and re-joice with their joys. In this way, we emerge with the reality of life  and do not become illusional based only on our thoughts and understanding in life. We do not live to live alone but to live as a whole.  Hence, we need to touch the life of other people. If we give them gifts, money or materialistic things, it will be forgotten  but if we touch people's life, they will remember it for the rest of their life. Not only that, we will move on to touch other people's life.

Life is a journey and we only pass through this life but once. Since, we are here, lets live well and have a meaningful passage. Furthermore, it is not who long we live but how well we live our life. Make each day a blessing and each second a bliss. Yes, it is very difficult to control our emotions and our feelings but the process of trying is very important and the result is secondary.  The real success is trying to make ourself a better person and do things that do not hurt ourself or others.

Open your heart and walk with us through this same passage in life.

Thank you to all the great teachers that have touch my heart in the past.


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