Friday, October 29, 2010

Another TGF

Folks, there is a chinese saying : time is like a flying arrow while the sun and moon is changing like flowing water. Today is another Friday. A day which is used to last like a week when we are young and carefree is now like a week passing like one day. What have happen to us ?  I believe everyone of us have this similar feelings upon reflections.

Is the day getting shorter? or the globe is revolving faster around the sun, changing the day and night faster ? If that is the case, we can live longer because two days now is equivalent to one day in the past. Is this the reason that we live longer ? A big personal dilemma.  Have we slow down to reflect on this matter and be awaken by the phenomena ? This question have been bothering me on every Friday as our body relax for the coming rest days.

I am no expert in this matter except based on my limited knowledge. No, the day is not getting shorter nor the globe is revolving faster.  Our mind is so involved with so many things that our senses are dull as we rush on with our life routine  doing much for nothing. We are taking things for granted and we have lost our awareness. The more we study , the more we experience and the more things we are looking forward to do, have quicken our pace and confused our thoughts. We are dancing faster and faster, no time to be aware or appreciate the things around us.  We are like a marathon run, pre-occupied with the winning point , not realizing the beautiful trees and plants by the road side, the fresh air we breath or the beautiful land scape and building on route to the winning point. Not realizing the pain in our body, our joints and the friction on our body as our mind set to complete the race.  We will be running for two or three hours and not realizing the passing moments.  We push the seconds to an hour to finish the race.

This is the pitiful stage we are in.  Gone are the young mind which is aware and appreciating as we do the slow dance.  We enjoyed the seconds for the second , the minutes for the minute and the hours for the hour.  We stretch the day , the week and the moment and we enjoy every moment. Now, we push the day to week and weeks to month and always on the move with the fixing mind.

Slow down , Folks. If you persist, it is like eating without knowing what you eat  and living as if you are not living and when you awake, it will be the end of the journey.

Once again, life is not a destination but a journey. Slow down and take time to appreciate the passing seconds before it is too late.


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