Monday, October 18, 2010

Chasing daylight

This book is written by a former CEO of KPMG International who have passed away.  He was diagnosed with brain tumor when he was at his prime days and this book describe how he handle his last days on earth.  How he closed chapters with his friends, associates and family members and how he learn to stretch time by appreciating the little things in life  and re-living his fond memories. He also seek solace in quietness and silence as  his health get worst and how he try to keep conscious during his last moment  and predicting his final hour of death.

I am not trying to promote his book but to draw an example to awaken all of us and to impress that with a simple twist of aate , life will change.  We don't have to wait for some dramatic incidents to wake us up before we realize the importance of health  and the preciousness of time. We have to realize that it is within our power or decision to live our life to the fullest , enjoying inner peace and appreciating the beautiful breath and living in the present moment and not to be trapped in the daily routine of life and rat race.

By having more money, more famous and more power , will these achievements make us more happy? Nothing is permanent and everything is like a passing smoke. Well, if you feel happy making money, then it should be the right thing for you or if you are happy when you are famous, then by all means, search for it. But, if we lost track of ourself in the pursuance of these achievements, then we have to re-think and make the right choice to change.
There is no such thing as been too late or too early, there is a time for everything. The moment of realization will come if it is fated to come but sometimes, it just happen and you can reach your inner bliss and peace.


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