Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yoga-an evolution or revolutionary ?

Yoga - an evolution or revolutionary ?

I was in yoga practice for six years and in the initial phase it was a torture. I question myself why I need to torture myself everything before each yoga session. After each session, my body would arch with pain and my muscles and joints would be painful. Most participants would have dropped off after a session and some younger ones could not last one session.

After the initial phase, my body gets condition and I start to enjoy the practice and I could manage more and more difficult poses. I felt satisfied as I notice the improvement in my body and my practice. If I missed any session, I felt terrible and guilty. Yoga starts to do the calling for my practice. I was hooked by this wonderful and beautiful practice.
I think it is called Evolution. My body evolved from a stiff and harden structure to a more flexible body frame as if the body have rejuvenate itself backward many years. I could feel young again and live more vigorously.

To my lifestyle and thinking , it has a revolutionary impact. I would walk more balance, my body masses harden, my thinking is sharper, my breathing is strong and relax and I enjoy life to a fuller aspect and my awareness of the present is more intense.

Yoga changed my life as I could laugh more, see the world in a different light and is calmer and I can regain my composure much faster.
I love yoga and I will practice yoga until I die an this is my commitment to my yoga practice.


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