Friday, January 24, 2014

Two Asian lady dragons ( limelight)

Two Asian female dragons

At this moment , there are two strong female personalities which I am watching and admiring. One is China's Lina and another is Nurul Anwar. Both have display  strong character and strength.

For Lina , she is in the finalist of the Australian Tennis open finals. She had been two time finalist in the tennis open and Hopefully , it is third time lucky for her. She is already 31 and may not have many years of tennis left. She has been displaying great strength in the intense heat in Australia. She is  fighting for herself  and her career. Awesome fighting strength in this women.

Another Iron Lady is Nurul Anwar. At he peak of her career as MP she filed for divorce. She knows the reaction and dirty that will throw to her and her privacy will be under strict scrutiny by the BN opponents. The facts will be twist and turned to make her look bad. She is a women and have one daughter and son and she is a Muslim as well. What needs to be done , needs to be done.  Short term pain but long term happiness. Yeah , it is no point hold on to a broken relationship. Again, under these circumstances ,she also display great strength and showed every strong determination and remarkable firmness.  She may have screw up her political career and slashed by her opponents. Not many people could face the challenge.

I wished both of them happiness and  remained firm in their commitments in the career and do it with your best.


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