Friday, August 2, 2013

The blissfulness of Yoga.

Yoga - stretching 

Yoga is actually a wonderful exercise where you can fell the movements of every part of your body.  What you need to do is just close your eyes when you are in the pose and be aware of the movements your body and your breath.

This morning, my yoga teacher put us through a stretching exercise and I was still half asleep when the class starts. I did not have a good sleep and so I close my eyes most of the time when we change pose to pose.

I just try to relax my body and heart and concentrate on my breathing and when I was holding in the pose, I could feel a kind of joy swelling up inside me and I felt erected in the pose. A peaceful moment of suspension and bliss.  My yoga teacher have pre-warned us of there delightful moments.  These are the so called glimpse of peace in our practice.

When I joined yoga initially I felt so painful and suffered light injury because of the stiffness in my body and joints. However, when are deep into it, we will start to enjoy and such moments of delightfulness will come into you at the right moment and the right pose.

Never feel shy to enjoy your body and also the wonderful moments that will swell inside you. Just enjoy it and move with it.

A healthy body and mind will give you a perfect body which will come with moments of pleasure and peace.
You will need to come into the practice to understand my experience.


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