Saturday, April 16, 2011

When Evils prevail .......

There is a saying evil prevails when good men choose to keep silent.  This is a ball-less or gutless act and it is self preserving. This is absolutely wrong if we look at it righteously but some good people choose to preserve themselves at all cost. They do not look at the bigger picture. There is a Chinese saying "If  Human beings do not protect themselves first, the sky will end and the earth will be destroy". I wonder who is the author of this phrase. He must be a realist and a self preservation expert.

The author is not entirely wrong because we have to preserve our self before we can fight evils but not to the extent of letting the evil acts hurt others. Tolerance should have a limit. From history, we have seen that in events of conflicts and civil wars, some heroes will emerge. Trouble times breed herons. So, the Creator have its checks and balances. When there is too much black, he will add white to make a perfect color of grey.

During the recent Tsunami in Japan which caused the radiation leak from the various nuclear plants in Fukushima, there was a story that there is a group of engineers who risk their life to stop the radiation leak by trying to re-start the electricity to their cooling system. Some of them was exposed to radiation and was hurt. What makes them want to combat the evils when their life is at stake. This decision takes a lot of courage and sacrifice.  They could have chose to protect themselves first and let others do the risky job. But, they did not and choose to stand out and take the bull by the horn.  So, there is courage in all of us and this courage will come out at the right time when the need arises.  So, Evil , you better watch out.

In Penang, there was a dragon boat incident which killed about six people during a training session. There could have been more death if not for a courageous boat man who rush to help the people in trouble after been drag by the strong under current.  His courageous deed  came at the spur of the moment and he did not think about his life or the risk of drowning by acting instantaneously. and spontaneously. In face of danger, the courage will naturally ooze out  from all of us.

Bravo to these heroes and some of them remain nameless or forgotten over time. But, does it really matters. Name or no name, it is the  courageous act that counts. A act to defeat the Evils....Lets pay tribute to the sung and unsung heroes..


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