Saturday, March 7, 2015

Where have all flowers gone ?

I am here in Sunway medical centre to see my sick sister in law. She is suffering from cancer. 

I could see her getting thinner and thinner as she has difficulties to eat and shit. This is the by-products of the big C but her mind is still clear and her eyes still bright. Recently , she went to Singapore and got a second opinion and she found out the treatment which the Malaysian oncologist prescribed for her is a 10 years past method . Ow ! She has lost 2 months of her valuable time. From the start , she should get a second  opinion from a Singapore oncologist. 

As I have read in the papers , Malaysia is suffering a brain drain and it was reported in the Australian press that migration from Malaysia top the ranking as political situation and corruption and religious extremism iare factors pushing Malaysians to make this final decision. I believe that are a lot of Malaysians migrating to Singapore as well. In my list, I have 3 nieces and friends working in Singapore now.

It is not that we have no good doctors but we have only a few. Earning Aussie and S$ and competing among the best is really a motivating factor. 

In Malaysia is all about making money first . All the doctors and professionals  are thinking only how to make more more from their patients . One experience I have is with dentist. If my tooth could be save , the dentist need to tell me the options and not just extract my tooth for the RM30. When I consult another dentist that told me that the tooth can be saved. What the ##%¥¥£ with this dentist??

I really wonder where all the professionalism has gone to?? 


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