Yeah, just back from my Bangladesh trip . Feeling very tired after the trip and still recovering from the stomach upset in Chittagong. I have been very careful with my food and drink but this time, I was down with food poisoning. I think it could be the rotten food I have taken which was served to me during the Sunday lunch. After eating the lunch, I could felt the sickness in my stomach.
How many times I have to suffer these kind of poisoning ? My recovery is getting longer as I age. My strength of enduring the trip becomes less tolerance and pleasant. It is a kind of burned out effect on my body. I have never felt this way before but it has put a strain on my health.
Based on our recovery rate from each incident, we can know how our health have been affected or how we have aged. We cannot fight aging but we can to a certain extent maintain our health. I have been exercising , taking supplements and taking care of my diet for many years already and I feel good most the time but after bad incidents of wrong food , we can feel that what we have done is not enough. We are so fragile.
When we cannot find a solution, we seem to be lost . After all my effort to keep in good shape but a bad incident can caused me feeling so miserable. The wind in my stomach and the soft motion really makes me weak in my legs and balls. I could feel that I am swinging as tiredness and weakness in my legs. We have to sleep and wash it out by drinking a lot of water. This thing cannot be cured immediately and it needs time.
Yes, I have to sit it out and wash it out and wait for my strength to return.
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