Saturday, October 6, 2012

Stupid old man

The term " stupid old man" is not to belittle old people but in the Chinese culture , it depicts " Lau Khoo Tong" , it means a stubborn old man or a forgetful old man which makes them stupid in the eyes of the youngster.  It could be also because of the generation gap. Some people will call them stubborn old fools. he

Whatever, we call the old people, it does not matter because old people became forgetful or senile and sometimes,they have to act useful or stubborn to gain the notice and respect.

Last Sunday, I went to the ATM to cash out some money.  I stood behind an old man . I saw him slot in his ATM card and he stood there looking at the screen. It was a while before I got impatience and asked him what is he waiting for.  He told me that he is wating for his money.  OMG, what is happening?  I proceed to press the screens for him including asking him to key in his pin number and until he has to the fast cash screen.  He pressed the amount he wants and took the money and walk away after retrieving his card.  I think he might have lost a few moments of sanity.  It happens to all of us and hopefully, it rearly happen,

If we live long enough and old enough , we could have this lapse in our memory.  The brain just shut us out and we are living n the blanks for a period in time. If this lapse in our memory last a longer time, then we have to get worried but if it is only a few short lapse, it  is only a few moment of short circuit.

These experience happen to all of us even when we are young . We left our keys in the office, we forget appointments, meetings, or to eat our vitamins or medications ,etc.  Many of such events could also happen to us a few times or so.  This is normal but the frequency or the likehood of these events happening when we gets old , the frequency will increase.  That is when, people around them start to call them names " like stubborn old fool or stupid old man".

It is a path everyone have to go through and this experience is part of our life. So,live through it and take precaution of the dangers lying ahead.


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