Monday, June 18, 2018

Our bondages in life

There was this saying by a homeless guy "  I cam into this world all alone and when I die, I will be the only one in my coffin ".  This is the truth of life and we come with nothing and we go with nothing.  But during our life journey, we gathers many dust and bondages on the way.

From birth, our bondages will start to gather .  We owe our life to our parents and if we are able to earn a living we will  have to take care of them.  We are indebted to them for bring us into this life and provide us the love , shelter , good and a  good education.  Then , we get married , this is another bondage of love and family and we have to take care of our wife and our children's needs.

If we start a family , we will need a job  and a house.  From the job , we have add on the bondage of the job to earn a living and also the debts to buy a house , a car and cater for the future of our wife and kids.  The bondage will get more and more and heavier and heavier.  It is like adding chains to our legs, hands and bodies . It became a burden to carry it around.

For some of us luckier ones, our working wife or children can help to reduce the bondage or the weight from the mid years but this is not a certainty.  The burden could be more if the family members got into money troubles or in any special conditions.  The weight could get heavier.

These bondages varies with each person's circumstances . Some maybe more and some maybe less .  Apart from these material bondage , there are many things happening to our body or our mind as we get old and these is based on the experiences in our life and also the condition of our mind. 

If our mind is stable and calm , then the mental burdens will come in  as one of our bondage.   We have to struggle with our mind and our body everyday until our dying days.  This is a must and a routine as many before us.  The mental or material bondages will wrapped strongly around us and make our lives heavier.

If we die, the bondage will be totally gone.  But in between our journey of life, bondage could be more or less and it  depends on the situation of a particular person. Some luckier or wise ones, could untie the bondage which have gathered around us.  A wise mind could help to untangled ourselves from the bondages we have gather in our life journey and through the experience which have happen to us. But, the true relieved from all these bondages is when we are gone. 

From birth , the bondages will gather around us and when we die, it will disappeared totally at the moment of death 


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