Monday, February 20, 2017

To say I love you .

Recently, I realized that talk is cheap and to say "I love you" is also very cheap when say to a person who is useful to you or have help you.  It takes a lot of loving kindness to say "I love you" when that person is no more of any use to you or becomes a liability after he or she fell sick.

This is the reality in life and if we are facing with a burden to take care of a sick person, we will realized whether the love is true or fake , useful or useless.  The character of the person can be seen through from her face and their action. They will continue to say " I love you" if they are free from any burden but they will shy away if they are financial involved or given some responsibility which could burden them financially.  This kind of fakeness will shy through their face.  So naturally.

The true self will reveal if you see their expression in their words, face and action. Oh, this bloody idiots.  What we need is frankness and stop creating imaginations and build an illusion in our mind to make our self fearful. We have to be positive and it attracts the positive chi or strength.  This negative thoughts make us change our loving kindness into a faking love expression is something which is very deplorable and disgusting. Of course, we can understand this is " survival " but do it in a clear manner and not to impose fakeness. 

This is the advise to people, there is thing call the law of karma.  Sow what you reap.


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