Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A spiritual experience

I have heard about so many religions and many version of how religion can help us. To the Christian , it is the believe in Jesus that will free you from your sins while the Buddhist believe in Karmic sins , that is reap what you sow.  The only way to repent or to cleanse your sins is to remove your karmic sins.  It is just like the accounting records , if you have create a lot sins , there is a lot of debits and the debits become very heavy and pull down your credits.  Hence, by removing your debits , you have a balance life and if there are more credits , you become more enlightened.

This philosophy is not so illogical as you have to work hard to remove your debits as much as possible by your own self.  There are so many ways of reducing your debits . It is through chanting and repenting yourself, service to charity or religious organizations , give money to poor people or to serve God ,etc. 

You could asked " How we can reduce our sins through chanting ?" and this Is not so logically right ? Yes, you are quite right but chanting is like calling the Gods to forgive your sins or pleading to God for forgiveness and you promise to behave yourself  and to release or repent for all the sins in us.  God is a merciful being and is willing to accept your repentance. By improving yourself and doing good and telling yourself to commit to repent your sins and to do good things , it is a way to gain merits and increase your credits .  By increasing your credits ,you are reducing your debts and your life will become more balance and positive as the negative impacts is reduce.  Life is like a weighing machine  and we have to have a balance life to be happy.


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