Saturday, June 11, 2016

The third eye

Long time ago, I read a book by lomsang Rampa called " The third eye" among his several mysterious books about getting out of the body experience ,etc. I could vividly remembered that our third eye lies in between our two existing eyes and located right in our forehead. Actually, there is no physical eye and in the Chinese forklore , one of the demi god have developed and open up his third eye to see the evils on earth.

In this book of Lomsang Rampa , those people who are deep in meditation practice , they could open their chakras including opening their third eye. There is no physical eye but if we concentrate deeply and focus our energy to the location of the third eye, we could feel  sensation as if the location has a concentration of energy and we can force it through if we concentrate long enough.

In our real life, we tend to see thing or have our opinion and expect other people to follow us and understand us. We get very frustrated if people don't see our way or understand us. It is actually that all of us is in the dark and we cannot see each other unless there is a light to lead us to see what we want or want to tell or our understanding. We expect other people to understand us and live up to our standards. Our ego is very big and we are upset when it does not happen.

It is just like the example of the third eye. If we want to be a good leader , we must guide our followers or our associates to open up their third eye instead of using their existing to two eyes and try to see things our way.  At the shift of a slight angle, the view is totally different and we have to stand at the same angle to see the same view. If we leave to our two existing eyes, we will be looking at different things at different angles and we will never be at the same wave length.  Both of us have to tell each other of what we see and both have to shift our angle to see the same thing. The responsibility is on both of us. This adjustment needs a  lot of communication and inter-action to synchronize our focus and our wave length . It like dancing a waltz , the steps must be synchronized after lots of practice and adjustments . Otherwise, we will step on the feet of our partners.

The opening of the third eye will let us see more clearly and is a focus of the two existing diverging eyes to ensure we see things in the same angle and understand  each other well.

The third eye is also the wisdom eye which opens you up to a new world.


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