Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Right concentration

It is one of the eight fold path . Right concentration.  What does it mean ?  There are so many thoughts going through our heads and which is the right thought to concentrate on ? How do we choose how to concentrate ?  This was a question posed to me by one of staff.

I told her that there is about 50,000 thoughts going through our head and some is repeatedly the same thought  and with these number of thoughts going through our head , we will short circuited if our head is like a switch.  It saps our energy and give us confusion.  If we can cut down the number of thoughts going to our head , we will become energetic  and lively as we can give the excess energy to live life. How can we do it ? Yes, we can do it by having the right concentration. Don't let our mind dictate to us on what we thing or do.

The right concentration can be attained by proper practice and discipline. We hold to one thought as long as possible.  The thoughts are like monkeys jumping here and there , up and down , running far and wide.  You just have to hold to one thought . A noble thought.

This is the art of meditation.  When we start to meditate , it is very restless and torturing as our thoughts keep pushing us around and keep switching from screen to screen.  Be kind to yourself as you should be aware that the monkeys have been wild for many years now and if you want to tame it , it has to be a slow process.  The monkeys represent your sense of smell, hearing , seeing , feeling and tasting ,etc. Concentrate on one noble thought and reject your senses from disturbing you. One way is to concentrate on your breath which is your breathing feeling or concentrate on a single light , that is your sense of sight or concentrate on a piece of music , that is your sense of hearing. Either one of these senses is acceptable and hold on it as long as possible.

When I say hold on it, it does not mean stop breathing. Hold your focus on your breath  ie in and out breath and enjoy the beauty of each breath without thinking , just appreciating it while is sit in the most comfortable position . Be kind to yourself and don't expect anything.  Let the form sets in by itself , the peace and tranquility comes in by itself.  Enjoy it at the present moment. The sweetness of each breath. Some people resort to chanting  or a single light spot focus or enjoy each note of the music. Find the right approach  and practice the art of concentration. Expect nothing, let the form come by itself.

Enjoy the precepts of right concentration .


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