After the meeting today, one of my staff told me to change. Change what ? I query her and she told me that change is always for the better. Everything we see not right , we should change.
It is easy to cry change but we should also be part of the change if we evocate change. If keep crying change and remained in our old form, we will be killed by the change or we will be changed by the changes evolving around us.
To simplify a change. lets take our life style for example. we are supposedly need to discipline our diet and keep ourself happy but we continue to eat the food which is bad for us. We should change and refrained from the bad food. Yet, we tell ourself that we will change from tomorrow and it never happen. Why are we so weak to change ourselves.
We waiver in our effort and we promised changes. It is so ironical. If you analyse further , you could see that we need a lot of effort and discipline to change. We always fall back to our routine which is our comfort zone. To break out from this comfort zone, it is difficult but we should try.
If we come out of our comfort zone, we feel irritate and uncomfortable and we have to bear the unpleasantness to move forward. If we go back to our comfort zone, we will never come out again.
The determination to change or to break away from the routine must be very strong and firm. Otherwise, we will become the NATO President , No action , Talk Only.
Aviod thinking too long and flip flop, sometimes is that we do it spontaneously , Just do it.
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