Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Do i have a changed mind ?

I was asked this question , do I have a changed mind ? I think so but it will take some time for it to sink in.  I must try to look at the things at a different perspective or seeing a thing differently.  Do I actually changed or just pretend to change ? Is it only a survival tactic or lip service ?

People say old habits die hard or we are comfortable in our own comfort zone and to move out of it and to face the uncertainties , most people would not want to do it.

It is a struggle between wanting to change or remaining in the comfort zone ? This struggle will take some thing and it will shift between change or no change. It is really a very hard thing to do.

Most people will start off with the change but it will gradually move back to its starting point. When we are aware of it and there is an existing pressure to push you, we will have no other choice but to implement the actions.  Is it really from our heart or just a survival skill reaction.

Change and make it changed is important and reversing the change back to its original position would be a bad deal and wrong in action. So, it has a lot of steps ie pushing forward with the change and it lapse and it push it back . So there are so many actions.  Two step forward and three step back. There will repititious movement of back and forward steps until it permanently have moved forwrad.

Another point is that we have to keep our awareness of this change and have some sense to measure whether we have moved backward or not . In our mind, we have to test our perceptions whether the change have really taken place.

So such happening , it is never certain that things have change. we have to realize it only in our mind.


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