I was told by my colleague that the funeral of my ex- colleague was only attended by 3 to 4 people and it was a lonely , lonely procession. At this time, it will show whether the deceased is well like or not during his life time. I was told that some of the colleague don't even want to see his face for the last time. I wounder why ? But, to the deceased does it matter ? It is a very private matter.
I saw the flim about Christmas spirit which showed the christmas past , Christmas present and Christmas future. It was about a miser , a thrifty and stingy man who ill treated a lot of people during his life time and on christmas day , he dream about his christmas past , present and future. When he woke up, he became a changed man and tried to repair his image by trying to be good to the people around him so that he can change his christmas future.
I seen a lot of people who try to do charity after their retirement to improve their karma and they believe that it will eliminate their sins. I think they are not wrong , it will definitely improve their future but whether it can eradicate their sins of the past, it needs to be seen.
It is very strange that we believe we can be nasty in our early or prime years and we can repent during our twilight years. I believe , this oncept is writen in the bible and many other holy books that if we accept GOD or a certain Saint , then all your sins will be forgiven. If we murder people and accepting GOD and repent , does it remove the bad karma ? Sure , it is a bit disturbing with this philosophy.
I believe everybody is born good and during the journey through life, we are lost and become nasty to people. Well, I think we have to pay for the sins or the bad karma in its own way but not by accepting certain thing, our sins or bad karma is gone. Anyway, it sounds too easy.
Lets be good from Day 1 until the end of our life. But , this imperfection is not easy to attain and we can only minimize such demerits.
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