Saturday, September 28, 2013

Transformation in life

WTransformation  in life  I reached out for Ven Thich Nyat's website . I have not been in touch with his teaching for sometime now and I learned what he mend by Engaged Buddhism concept in my attempt to reach him. Recently , I read that he is a actively promoting Zen in the workplace. I remembered I read the book the " diamond  cutter" many moons ago and the author, a Tibetan  was promoting Buddhism in every way of doing business and was really an excellent book to give more meaning to life and business. I went to his website and I choose one of his teaching on " Nirvana". In this video , he talk about misconception  and if we don't do away with misconceptions in our life , than we would be unhappy and fearful. Just like death,people have a lot misconceptions and were fearful about  death. He explained  life and death taking an example of a cloud. The cloud is changing its status from.a being to. Non being. The cloud can change into rain, snow and cloud. When the cloud is the sky , it is a being but when it disappear , it becomes a non being. So, life is endless like the cloud. Only transforming in its status. There is no death and it is just transforming to different beings. So, if we have a proper perception of life , then we can let go and move on easily. The next more important thing is that since everything is in transformation, we should live in the moment and enjoy the process. Namaste.

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