Thursday, September 12, 2013

Born free again.

Born free again Everyone of us have  bondage in life. As we grow older the bondage gets more and more until we suffocate. The reverse happen when we grow old, we start to reduce our  bondage and bagged . Some people let it go faster than the others. Those people achieved it earlier felt liberated and born again。  This is no difference from the born again status like in Christianity. The feeling of liberation and freedom. This feeling warrant a significant change in our mindset which a fundamental requirement to let go of our  bondage. Each bondage is like adding a chain on our body and each chain weight us down. Each step of our life is heavier as each chain is added. The chain is like demons , our bad experiences, fear , worries ,needs, greed,etc and it has many forms and shades. Their basic role is to restrict our  thoughts and our life and give us misery, hardship,suffering and unhappiness. If we break each chain, the lightness in our body will return and if we continue to break the chain, we will be able to break free and see daylight and happiness. The feeling is the same as we have beaten obesity and we can run and jump freely. At this stage, we are broken free. Our journey in life will enter a different phase and our mind will be clearer and we can see better. We can "see" through life and we will look at life and the world differently and live more meaningfully . The. breaking of the chain is actually clearing our mind and controlling our thoughts.  If our mind is discipline and  clean then we have entered into a different realm and we will live in enlightenment and eternal happiness. Namaste.

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