Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fate ends, love ends.

I have been a singing teacher before and I enjoy teaching old students to sing. Once, I have a batch of old students, many were grand mothers at that time and they would behave like children fighting for a chance to sing. There was so much backstabbing or jealousy. Finally, this group of old students break up and I also stop teaching. One of the old student told me a sad story.

When she was at her mid thirties, her husband was electrocuted when cleaning the lightings in her house. She was a teacher then and she continued to bring up her children and she brought them along for her singing classes. At that time, they are already at their early forties. This was not the point. She told me that she suffered many lonely years and she took to Buddhism to pacify her sorrows. She told me that she finally accept the fact that it was an experience for her to be tested in this way. A Buddhist monk told her to accept the fact that fate ends, love ends. There is no another way to explain it. It was no point for her to hold on and blame her life, GOD or anybody else. This happening was her life journey. No other ways.

I remembered before my BIL James die,his wish was to have his ashes spread out in the sea. We asked him why? He told us that he has no decendants and he would not like to bother the living people or relative or his wife with the burden to visit his grave annually and to sweep the grave during the all souls day. When it ends, it ends. That's it. Come to think about it, he is right, there are so many graves or urns left uncare for and unattended. It makes no sense to hold on other people's life when one die. Why can we let go completely and just vanished? Does it matter to leave behind something in this materialistic world. For memories? How many generations you want to be remembered? Any sense for that?

If it is our fate to die, let it be. No need to struggle but we should attempt to keep ourself healthy, happy and lead a clean and righteous life. We should not sin or do evil deeds and not burden people when we are living when we are gone. Why should to thesd things, we are just passing tbrough briefly. While we are around on this earth, we should take care and improve this earth and make it a better place than before we came. We have no right to burden the future generations. If we cannot improve it , then don't damage it.

Let the future generations have their chance to live a better life than us. But, human nature is so difficult to predict or manage. People's behaviour is alway greedy and only for themselves. This is the imperfection of mankind. We are just a brief history in time and according to quantum principles, we are like a spark of dust in relation to time and space.

We have to accept these facts and should not occupy a space on earth after we are gone.Ashes to ashes , dust to dust. We should be blown or wash away. When it ends, it ends clean and no point to linger on.


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