Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beautiful Sunday -what a feeling?

In the late 80's , there was a very popular song called " Beautiful Sunday". The tune was played even in all events. I do not understand why Sunday is only beautiful. But, when I learned to play the song  in a band, the meaning never came to my mind and it was just a catchy tune. We are just happy singing it. Through the years, I often heard the tune  been played on the radio. Now, sitting in my living room on a Sunday morning, the song flood up in my mind and I start to think about the song. It was  loa Christian song because GOD rest on Sunday and everybody should relax and happy on the day.

At this matured age, I look at the lyrics with a different perspective. I want every day to be happy, not only on Sunday. Why should we wait for Sunday to be happy?  But , then again, if everyday is happy then there is no difference between Sunday and other days. It is better to be happy only on Sunday?  Do we have to be sad on the other days?  Yes, this is only the perspective of  the song writer at that time. He want to spread the message that lets work hard on the other days and enjoy the 7th day with GOD.

The trend nowadays is to be happy everyday, why only on Sunday.  If you do a simple calculation, there is about 52 Sundays a year and for 10 years, it is about 520 days. So is it the theory of the less , the better?
I believe that it is a natural desire for everyone to be happy everyday. Life is too short to be sad and we should keep a happy sentiment every second if possible,

In Buddhism, it is impossible to be happy all the time. When there is happiness , there is sadness. Otherwise, how can be happiness?  There has to be a comparative like we see white when we know what is black. Constant happiness is a neutral stage , that is stage of nothingness or a void. A feeling of " no feeling" like no happiness or sadness. The religion advocate impermanence and "voidness" as the most beautiful feeling.

Whatever religious theory we believe, it is a wonderful feeling  to be happy. It is our choice to be happy. We do not need to  depend on other conditions to be happy except our desire to be happy.. Maharaji, a famous philosopher said that there is beauty in each breath and if we practise this teaching, we should be happy all the time.


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