Tuesday, March 15, 2011

After the happening, the hurt stays

I am overseas in Bangladesh on business after the earthquake and the tsunami hit Japan on last Friday. During the weekend before my travel, the news of the disaster in Japan rolls in in with more deaths and the extensiveness of the damage in Japan. The most worrying factor is the meltdown of the nuclear facilities in Fukushima and the radiation have reach a harmful level.  Several people have been contaminated with radiation and the radiation is spreading to 30 km around the facilities towards  Tokyo.

The radiation is released into the air as the explosion in one of the nuclear facilities and the Government is evacuating the people around the infected area or advise people to stay home and do not let their skin to be in contact with the radiation. The result of the radiation can lead to kidney failure, blood cancer, failure of the immunization system which can lead to all type of diseases,etc. More people will leave the infected zone.

Apart from this physical damages and health issue, there will be a mental hurt. Over the past few days, there have been so much news on the disaster over the TV and the film of the disaster is played over and over and the message is drumming into all of us repeated. This news and image will stay in us and will become part of us. In the future, any news or occurrence of the disaster will generate panic and fear and -we will over re-act or re-act irrationally.  Some of the news also carry the sound of people crying for help and people near dying giving out their last cry.  There is so much commercialization and drama in the edited films.  Personally, I think this incident  is over played and over reported which caused the disaster to be magnified so many times.

In modern times, with the improvement in the electronic communications, the news are more updated and more transparent and this business have become  a big business as well. Whoever can report the incident fastest and more extensively will capture the people's attention which means more business and profit. More dramas and fear will keep the people glue to news.  Sorry to say that it has become a festive reporting and so much talking and it starts to hurt the ears.

As I have mentioned, the negative psychological impact on the people will last for a long ,long time. It also generate so many rumours and news which painted a picture of a global disaster and there is a also a SMS circulating in Bangladesh to ask people to take precaution when it rain and do not let contaminated rain water touch our body.  This is getting  ridiculous as this incident is now only confine to Japan. \\

However, the incident have shown the negative side of technology advancements. In Bangladesh, there is so much natural disasters and each time, it gets over it quietly and the people remained calm and happy. When there is no fuel, they used their natural transport that is using their own two feet to walk while in Japan, if there is no electricity, the impact is serious with the stoppage of all the public transports and logistic systems while leads to people running out of food and water.  People is getting use to the fact that food and aids will come to them while in Bangladesh, the people go out to get their food.  This will be another irony to life.

One of the tsunami survivor said that the whole whole is like our body, when our finger is hurt , it will hurt the whole body and the whole body will focus on the pain in the finger and will divert help and assistance to cure the hurting finger. This consciousness is important for the global survival. There are two sides to incident , the good and the bad like a two edge sword which cuts both ways. Every curse have a blessing. But, we should stop the over reporting to make the world a happy place.


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