Sunday, March 25, 2018

How can we be misunderstood ?

What we say is not only a matter of words coming out from our mouth but also to the people who is receiving such works.  The meaning of our message make up of words  and it also depends on the understanding of these words.  A wrong interpretation of a word in the whole sentence could bring us a different meaning or a wrong interpretation.

If the message is make up of a few sentences , the listener's ability to understand all the words and the adjoining sentences is also important to convey the right meaning. If some words or sentences is not properly recorded or understand by the listener, it could be a different interpretation and misunderstanding all together.

Apart from words and cohesive sentences, it also depends on the ability of the people to listen to it logically and un-influence by their thoughts and emotions.  If a people is angry, certain words or the tone of the speaker could spell a disaster or if the listener is calm , it could spell a different meaning all together to him. When a person is angry, they often use very aggressive words or tones and to get back at the speaker. This is a natural re-action as all human beings are very protective of themselves.

So, in conclusion, words ,sentences , emotions  and situations can carry a different meaning or impression to the listener and if there is a conversation if could be more complex which brands in all the parties to the conversation. 


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