Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Life is uncertain , death is certain ( renewal)

Today , I have a lunch with a colleague and some friends . It is like a catch up to find how are things with our friends.  I was shock to hear all the bad things that is happening to the people around us as age is catching up with us.

He told that when we are old, all the illness or sickness will come to us gradually.  One of the quite famous Penang assembly man just died last night after going through three disasters at the age of 75. It was an acquaintance to two of us. He died of bone mellow cancer.

Another famous sport star , the star goalkeeper , Chow Chee Keong also died recently from cancer at age of 69 . He was a sportman all his life switching from football to golf on h is twilight years. Well, so life is uncertain by when but death will finally catch up on us.

Today, I receive a news from a friend , a marathon runner who was knock down by a "hit and run" vehicle also died after in come since December 2017.  This is fate and it depends on the King of Hade to decide when we are called up. Finally , it will happen.

As for those of my friends who have gone into their 70s , some of them is either suffering from blood cancer,  strokes or other non-curable disease.  They are struggling to stay alive by medication and it is a matter of time, death will catch up with them. Of course, a few of my friends are still enjoying good health and good life and one of a former colleague is getting married at the age of 75.  Yeah, happy moments at this current time but death is still waiting .

These news makes me wonder how many good years do I have ?  At this age, I am still working and waiting for my wife to retire at 60.  It is so worrying and having to get up every morning to work and each day , it is getting tougher to wake up and push myself out of the bed. This happens when I have a bad sleep or a eventful night of dreams.  Well, this is the basic nature of life and  this is the journey we have to go through.  One of my retired friend told me that he don't know how to pass the days especially in the afternoon after all the daily chorus have been done.

Yeah, my sister in law is traveling all over the world to take her mind off her cancer problem and she still have to face the problem when she comes back from her travel and quiet down. It is all in the mind and this some thing that is uncontrollable unless we have a trained mind. Don't be happy only with the " what if ' and do away with all the constraints in life to be happy.

It is a tough road but we have to try our best.


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