Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Lurking dangers.

In our life, we encountered a lot of danger and the risk increases with our age. As we aged, the dangers gets more intense or the risk gets higher.  It is logical, our physical functions are getting weaker that is all.  Our eyes getting blur , our movement getting slow, our legs getting weaker, our memory less sharper , our hearing gets worst , our tone getting softer , everything gets weaker and softer. Time and age gets us..

With these lesser functions, the risk of dangers will intensify and we get hurt or injured more easily. The dangers which are lurking around involved falling down as the leg give way, the aged gets knock down by people or vehicles if our moment gets slower. It is only natural.

Exercise. Yes, exercise will help. It helps to slow down the aging and give us more strength to live longer. But, we over exercise, it could have the adverse effect.  So, we have to be aware and remained cautious.  Old people have died on badminton courts or while jogging or hiking. We have to know and be aware of our strength the weakness as not to get hurt on the way.

One of my friend dropped by and asked me whether to sell his house and move to a service apartment as his two sons are in UK and his wife often join the sons there.  I told him that many of my friends have being doing that ie sell the house and move into a small upper apartment to enjoy the security and to avoid house works. Yes, many of my friends who have been living in big houses have sold their house and move to a small gated and guarded apartment while they travel overseas to see their daughter or son.  It is for security and safety. To live in a big house alone  is nonsensical unless you have a few maids to take care.  Why do we need such big spaces for only ourselves ? It is so wasteful and lonely. What we need is comfort and sufficient space for us to live in and minimize the dangers of living alone unguarded.

Yes, we live the best we can but we should be logical in our requirement and minimizing the dangers which is lurking around.


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