In life, it is difficult to share troubles and hard times. When in good fortune , everyone look forward for us to share our wealth but when troubles come, they are like birds in the forest flying off in different directions. We have to accept it so as not to be disappointed.
So many troubles are brewing In Malaysia and quarrels are out in the open and the shits hit the fan and shit is every where? It stinks the whole country. Both locally and internationally.
The longer it remained in the spinning process, the more smelly it becomes.
The problem can only be resolved if the truth is revealed . As long as the suspicion continue to prevail , the shit will be spin by the fan and more shitty smell will be flying around.
So, lets cut it short and lessen our suffering, let the truth pop out and we rest the case. There is so much fatigue and boredom already. The last time it was sodomy spinning around and now is 1MDB and Altantuya. The ghost of Altantuya will not rest in peace as her tragic and brutal death is so sinful , the spirit will not rest. I really don't know how the killers and people behind it can sleep well after this brutal act. If they can live well than they will be like evils lurking in the darkness and survive on sins.
An eye for an eye , this is the mood of the day.
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