Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What is money ?

The wiseman said that " money is the cause of all evils". Some people say money can buy very thing but some people say money cannot buy me love and happiness. Anyhow, the rich is worried about too much money and the poor is worried about too little money. So, whether you have money or no money or less money, you will be worried all the time. But, the main cause is greed.

If we know how to be contented, we can defeat the evil of money which is equal to worries and stress. But , the art of knowing how to be contented is not easy. It needs a lot of wisedom , determination and discipline. These factors are not so easily acquired and usually we fell deep into the black hole of GREED.

From young, we have been influenced by the wrong concept of money, we work so hard for our money, stressed ourself out and hurt ourself , all because of money.  If we stop to think about it , it is only a piece of paper and what we need to do is to have just enough to live our life instead of focusing to get more than what we need. Anything that is surplus is a waste.

Money is also a measure of success and getting what you want materialistically.  So, people are blinded to this craving and desire.  The desire to be recognize and the desire to be powerful.  Money can buy power and manipulate the events around us.  Of course , not everything but most of everything. This is a real fact and we can not shy away from this true fact.

The whole establishment have failed us and educate us in the wrong way and this now becomes the only way.

Money, money, money..... the evil of them all.


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