Thursday, February 6, 2014

My rebellous daughter M

I have told my daughter that my love for her is unconditional even if she makes mistakes in life and as long as she realized it was wrong. From young, I have been pampering her with my time and also wealth.  

When she was young, we took her to all the buffet lunch and dinners around town  and she enjoyed most the major and well known hotel's food and facilities. She grew from a skinny little girl to a tall and plum girl.  She was lax at school and we just take it at her stripe but she managed to pass her college diploma exams with butterfly, cats and dogs gradings.

Once, I noticed that her character also change to be very independent, rebellous and stubborn.  I do not know what is going through her mind and why she has been behaving this way.  If I pushed too hard, she will just withdraw into a shell and say nothing.

My offer of love and money can only get her to say thank you each time but she remained aloof and unaccessible. 

Recently, she broke up with her boy friend for two years and I asked her why because I could see that her boyfriend have been very caring for her.  Her answer is that she need someone to love her the way she wants him to love her and not just someone been obidient and behave like a good dog. Yes, I kind of know what she mean but there is no such perfect partner who will know all her needs.  I doubted she will ever find one. Well, this maybe part of her process of growing up and her own protective mechanism.

Once, a friend told me that she will only grow at her own pace and sometimes, they refuse to use their thinking capacity. Until then, they will live like a free loader and have a layback thinking.  Hopefully, there will be a time in her life where she realized that she needs to invoke her thinking capacity. Like the saying goes " There is a time for everything . When it happen, it will happen and when it does not happen , then it mend to be this way ".

To her , I have my best wishes and hopefully, she knows what she is doing and where is she is going.
My love for her is still unconditioned.


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