Sunday, September 23, 2012

The traffic jams are getting worst

The jam was very bad this morning due to the heavy rain fall last night and early morning.  Everything seems to be in a mess including the long waiting time during the jam.  What is happening to the Government ?  This traffic problem have been occurring for so many years as more and more housing projects in Farlim come up in the area.  The town is choking to death and now, a straits mall is going to open from mid November this year.

There are now so many developers in Farlim and nobody is taking any actions to over come the traffic jams in the area.  The bottlenecks in the area is getting choked and everybody is dying or be choked to a gradual death.

Some people would counter my comments , why don’t  you move out of the area as you have a choice ?  Actually, I have living there for 20 years now and  I have chosen the area because my Parents was living close by  and since both my Parents have been gone for so many years, my sister and brother is still standing nearby.  This was the main reason , I continue to stay in the area.

But ,why should I move ?  I lived here before all the developments  and it should be the responsibility of the developers to develop the area in an orderly manner  and provide assess to all the residents. This happening was not my doing and so why the f…k should I move ?  The developers must give us the solution..  I do not know whether there is any legal means or right  ie to sue the developers  for causing all the inconvenience to me and all the residents due to their disorderly development of  the area surrounding my house. If there is no such legal right, there should be a way to  make an official complain.

As the whole area is partly freehold land or lease hold under trust by the Khoo Clans, there could be little room to complain to the State Government as the first responsibility lies with the developers and the Khoo Clan ( not the Klux clan , I hope).

Further to the jams, illegal structures , temples and illegal hawkers are mushrooming in the area , making it a cow boy town .  The land surveyors are either corrupted , lazy or blind to all these things  or they are just sitting on their big fat asses.

What I can advise  these fat ass is that don’t be a hindrance to people’s welfare or well being, it is bad karma  and it will return to haunt them.


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