I was rIeading my FB site and I came across a very wise and protective message. It starts with " My heart is not a play ground, if you want to play go somewhere else". Wo! really direct and straight forward. Relationship is a very dangerous game. It not only hurts , it kills. There are so many incidents of killing over love lost or jealousy.
love have two sides of a coin. It is a great feeling and on the other side, it hurts deeply. The feelings run wild and it erupts, it cannot be contained easily.
Some of my friends understand this wisdom deeply and yet some of them in caught in this relationship game and this caused them dearly. Those more strong minded friends always remind each other that if you want fun, it is better to enjoy with professionals and one night stand rather involved in a long term relatioinship. Nobody is absolute right or wrong in the way they lead their life.
Some people consider this "fun" as a morale issue but some people feel that this is a business relationship. If a service is rendered satisfactorily , then we have to pay for the serivce. So, there is a complete closure to the deal. In this way, nobody is hurt.
If we play around with love, it can be very dangerous and it has great repercussion and consequences if the ending is not close properly. For man, they can get services but for the female, it is not so easy unless the lady is also enjoying it for fun but most female takes relationship very seriously and can have very ugly endings if both parties are not careful.
My message is stick to the message , if you want to play , go to the right place and prepare to pay for the service and have a complete closure. We have to remember that there is a very fine line between friendship and relationship. Be aware of it and constantly remind us of the fine line and never attempt to close it if you are not prepared to face the consequences .
Three Drinks Weekly May Halve Arthritis Risk, Study Says
Women who regularly consume more than three alcoholic drinks a week for at least 10 years have about half the risk of developing arthritis compared with non-drinkers, according to a study of 34,141 Swedish women by the Stockholm-based Karolinska Institute. The reduced risk was consistent whether the participants drank beer, wine or liquor.
The results, published yesterday in the British Medical Journal, add to other studies that have observed positive effects of moderate drinking. Men who have two drinks a day after surviving a first heart attack have a lower risk of death from heart disease than non-drinkers, Harvard researchers said this year.
“These results are in accordance with the inverse association between moderate alcohol consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease and add to the evidence that moderate alcohol consumption is not harmful,” the Swedish study authors, including Alicja Wolk and Daniela Di Giuseppe, wrote in their report.
The researchers collected detailed information about the study participants’ drinking, diet, smoking history, physical activity and education level in 1987 and again in 2007. The subjects, born between 1914 and 1948, were tracked for seven years from 2003 through 2009.
The effect on risk of arthritis may be explained by alcohol’s ability to lower the body’s immune response, as rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the cells that line the joints, the authors said.
The researchers said they weren’t able to evaluate the effect of high doses of alcohol on risk of arthritis because of the lack of heavy drinking participants.
The study was also supported by the Swedish Research Council, in addition to the Karolinska Institute.