Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The wind of change - an insight

There is a belief that we should change and be part of the change , if not, the changes will make you change. It is very logical as in the past , there is no computer or the computers are huge machines and we are only taught of the basics of  system information.  But , through the years, computer have evolved so much and now, it no more a luxury but a necessity.  For those old people, they have to pick up the IT knowledge , otherwise, they will not be able to live comfortably or enjoy the facilities fully.

This is one of the big change that have torpedo through our time and this is a change which we must be part of it.

The evolution of the internet  have flatten the world  and information come in the speed of the light. Something happen in the US or EU, we can access it instantly  and this really impact  the events which is evolving around us. For instance, one big bank suffers a huge loss , it takes time to filter through to the rest of  the world and there is still time to manage the finances or the respond in the past.  Now, it is as if , it is happening locally.  So, we can imagine whatever is happening in any part of the world, we are influenced and impacted instantly. No way to hide or avoid the disaster.  In this sense, we are more inter-connected than before.

Hence, we have to be ready for change and be mobile and fluid.  If we still behave like a big elephant , then we will be roll over and be killed.  Elephant cannot dance so we have to be light footed.

Changes can come with information as it is more clear and transparent to the people and their deep knowledge of events and things will make them change their mind or perspective of things whether it is a political , economic or financial change,  it has a total impact on an individual.

So, Change will come our way and we have no choice but to be prepared and faced it and change with it.  Fear not of the change that is coming but be prepared to change ourself.


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