Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Don't let bad breath spoilt your valentine - article

Don’t Let Bad Breath Scare Your Valentine Away!

Girl: I have to tell you something, but I’m very shy.

Boy: Don’t be shy darling, please tell me (Expecting confessions of love).

Girl: I’m really shy…I’m not sure how to say it.

Boy: Don’t be shy. I am here to listen to what you have to say (With excitement). Please say it, I cannot be patient anymore. Tell me darling.

Have you ever been caught in such a situation? What if it happened on Valentine’s Day? On your very first date with the girl/guy you’ve had a crush on forever…it’s practically everyone’s waking nightmare! The perfect dress, make-up or hairstyle can’t make up for the fact that when you open your mouth to say “I Love You”, your crush cringes and moves away.

Bad breath, medically known as halitosis, is a more common problem then many people think. Bad breath is actually caused by the millions of bacteria that naturally exist in our mouth as the warm, moist environment provides a perfect setting for their growth. Many people think they will know if they had bad breath; however odor-detecting cells that exist in the nose eventually get used to the smell. One of the ways to find out whether or not you have bad breath is by taking a dry piece of cloth and scraping it against the back of your tongue. Leave it to dry for a few minutes and then smell it. This gives a clue whether you have a problem or not.

You can lessen the effects by avoiding foods that cause bad breath (especially a day before the big V-Day!). Foods that cause stomach upsets and flatulence also causes bad breath. Therefore, avoid eating garlic, onions and cabbage, among others. This is because sulphur compounds in these foods are absorbed by the digestive system and then carried to the lungs. Lungs then expel it when we exhale thus causing our breath to smell bad.

Did you know that chocolates can cause bad breath too? Try to avoid eating it just before your date as it can affect your breath within an hour of consumption. Controlling what we eat and using breath fresheners may help in masking bad breath temporarily. But do tune in to our next article to find out how you can permanently abolish bad breath. That way you don’t have to worry about kissing your next date!

Until then,

Happy Reading!


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