Sunday, September 4, 2011

Depression, a disease of the Mind.

This morning I have read an article which says that 40% or more of Europeans suffered from depression or the sickness of the Mind. It is really frightening . It means 4 out of 10 person you meet in Europe have a dysfunctional Mind. There must be error in the calculation because Europe is such a beautiful country. Maybe, it is  due to the current financial havoc in the Euro Zone and sluggish economy which have caused this high percentage of sickness.

I have mentioned in my previous articles that we are gathering a lot of stress during our daily life, from work or our living style. It is just like a cooking pot , the pressure in building up in the pot unless we let the hot air out before it blow its top. I have also talk about a frog in the hot water. It rest very comfortably in the gradually boiling water until it is cooked alive. We have to watch carefully the signs or the warning from our body and mind of such symptoms.

I have been telling this to my wife. She is always in a rush . She urge me to beat the red light and she cannot bear to wait especially under the hot sun. Such action is actually eating her up as the heat from the Sun is putting pressure on her as she became intolerable to the warm environment. Her “ rush” through the daily routine seems normal to her but she is missing so much out of her life. She is unable to see the changing landscape and the environment in the area  she live or passing through.  As I have mentioned before “ Fools will not be wrong when they see things through their eyes but on the wise man seek advise”. We can never see our fault unless we look at the mirror everyday and ask ourself “ Is there any thing wrong with us ?” and critically, analyse our behaviors.

I have also mentioned about “ mental habits”. If we fail to see our mental habits then we are not living on  our own but a pre-programmed being.  We are not doing the things that we want and we are not exercising our choice. It is only auto-pilot and this is something very scary.  We are are a different person.

So how do we take care of this problem ? First , we have to know ourselves so that we can manage it. You should identify your character style. Are you a sun-shine guy or a Mr Bean or a balance person or a tyrant ?  If you have a dominant characteristic like a tyrant, you will need to ease yourself and make your self accepting the imperfection in this world before the imperfection chew you up and eat you up soon. You have to balance your extreme and find ways to de-stress like attending yoga class, practice the one minute meditation or taking up light exercise or interest like Tai Chi and brisk walking. Take as much oxygen into our brain and this  abundant oxygen will relax and calm the mind.  Chew your food more and enjoy and be aware of each bites.  Laugh more often and laugh without any reasons. Laughter is a good tool to relax.  Smile to your tears and laugh to your fears.  There are many options to de-stress and do something your enjoy so that you will continue to do it.

So, I say “ live , live and really live “ . Nothing is waiting for you.


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