Monday, July 31, 2017

To catch a monkey

How true ?  It is our monkey brain which triggers a lot of mischievous thinking and action .  I just saw a video of how to catch a monkey and it really opens up my mind.  Everything is greed.

In order to catch a monkey in a traditional way is to drill a hole in a coconut so that the monkey can put his palm or hand into the coconut . It must be smaller than the size of the fist of the monkey and tie the coconut to a tree and put a banana or fruit in the coconut.  When the monkey put his hand into the coconut and grap the fruit , his hand cannot come out of the hole in the coconut and you make it panic and the more panic , the monkey the harder they will hold on the fruit and get stuck in the coconut and you have caught a monkey. 

To look at it on the wisdom side, it is like us holding on to our thoughts , our happiness , our money or our anger or negative thoughts about people.  We forget to let go and kept holding on to our thoughts and gets stuck in it.  We become uncontrollable as our anger , our thoughts or our greed drive us on and the harder we hold on it. There goes our happiness and freedom from our emotions.

It is so easy to let go and we will be happy always and in a similar example, is that we pick up a stick on our journey through life and we grip on to the stick and we pick up more sticks forgetting to release the sticks that we pick up.  We ended up with more and more sticks and getting more and more heavier as we go on our trip through life. Why ? Why can't we let go the sticks and travel light and easy and happily. It is all up to us to let go . It is within us to let go but yet , we don't know or refused to let go and suffer all the weights and unhappiness in our journey..

Just drop everything and let go.. there are so many things to do rather than to hold on.


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