Monday, October 3, 2016

Power, money and sex

In this world, these three temptations are the basic cravings of mankind.  I have been watching the series ,  Law dis-order , an astro show which illustrate the full impact of these three elements in life.

For power, greed is the underlying factor .  The greed for more power and this is basically after making enough money , power became the subsequent drawing. It is the second element but it is the most powerful of all as it can destroy and kill for the love of power.  Once , you have become king , you cannot let go , the power you have enjoyed as the king  To let go of the power you have is so difficult and humiliating at times

For the love of money, it is the basic factor .  The more the merrier and after the millions, you will want the billions and subsequently the trillions  Yes, greed is also the underlying factor.  The love for money is driving force of life.  Some people work until death for money, There is a saying money is not everything but money is one thing we cannot don't have . Yes, money cannot buy a minute of time at your dying day but it is very comfortable to have plenty,  People struggle for power to make money or after making money, they use money to gain power  It can be both ways but the logical way is getting money and power will come naturally.

The final factor is sex.  With power and money, it corrupts people and these rich and power will spend money on sex or get sex favors.  It is inevitable that power , money and sex is not separable . Power and money will corrupt and sex will come naturally unless nature intervened.  The number of women at most times indicate the power we have.  Power and money also attracts women who admires the achievement of the the rich and powerful

In the show law dis-order, it illustrate the three factors evolving around a big legal firms with the partners trying to kick out each other for money and power and the use of sex for office politics to win favors and support to out do each other   These are the basic faults in successful human beings and how the lawyers use their planning and tactics to create different perceptions to win their legal battles.

All the evolving and facts of life was illustrated in the show which showed the ugly sides of human beings to be powerful and rich, It depends on your own judgement what is right or wrong as there is no such thing as right or wrong.  It is your own decision and perception.


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