Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Lately, I could find myself wondering how to sleep early.  I will be on my bed at 9.30pm and I could suddenly dozed off but I wake up again after slightly pass 12 midnight.  Then I will struggle to make myself sleep.  The harder I try , the more elusive is my sleep. How can I have a good sleep so that I could wake up early morning and be fresh for work.

I find that if I quiet down my mind and bring my mind to the alpha level, I could sleep again and to quiet down my mind, I turned to mediation.  How do you do in meditation ?

There are many forms of meditation and one of the technique is to concentrate on your breath. If I have an objective to sleep by practicing meditation , then it is not truly meditation. In meditation, there can not be a motive but it is purely meditation in the present and let our mind still and letting our body go and relax.

We have to care for our body and not to assert it or force it to quiet down.  It has to be in a natural stage and let our mind drfit and quiet down by itself. We cannot push, rush it or force it .  It has to drift and find its own level at its own time. It is just the ripple on the water, it needs its own time to quiet down and to be still.

If we continued to hold on to the mind like our hands holding the water, it will never be still unless you put the glass of water on to the table . let go of it and  let it settles down by itself.

In a proper meditation , it should not be a focus to achieve something and it should be free of any motive and agenda. After finding the level, our sleep will automatically come and we can dooze off for the rest of the night easily.

If you quiet down your mind to a certain level, it will induced sleep without any effort.


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