As we grow old, our bone structure get shifted . From an upright man, we can become imbalance with our weight shifted more to the left or right or the front. We may walk with a limp or bow legged or with a hunchback. The imbalance maybe not noticeble or obvious when we walk or stand.
But, nobody pay attention to these defects.
It maybe unnoticeble or slight but the imbalance could affect your alignment of our head, our nerves , our heart or our blood pressure. But these defects may have long effects on a person and if the weight keep shifting, it could also hurt the muscles on the legs and affect the walking ability.
Somebody have told me about my defects including one of my yoga teachers and I have been going for massage to ratify the defects but there is only limited improvements. Finally, I want to buy a shoe that could give a balance to my body structure but the sales person told me that I have to go for a test first to determine where is my weight concentrated on my sore. It is a first time, I stand on a machine which measure my weight spots on my sore. The reading told me that my weight have shifted more to my left feet and it is causing the muscles to be more stressed and it stands to give a slight pain when I am walking. What is the solution ?
Oh, I have to buy a tailor make shoe with a pad to put into my shoe and this pad will be fixed to the shoe to balance my body. I have been wearing it for one week already and it seems to be working fine as I started to free good in my walking. Hopefully, this garget could ratify my balancing problems and make my life more stress free.
This techonology came from Taiwan and it is already in the market for many years. However, it is not cheap as this is a monopolized technology. The pad have to be adjusted periodicaly as the weight starts to shift all over the sore and in time, it will need adjustment to provide a proper balance.
I will keep all my readers informed on my progress and if it really give me the balance and make me light and easy.
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